Lebanon's rich botanical heritage faces unprecedented challenges in the modern era. This updated compilation presents a critical assessment of Lebanon's endangered phanerogams (seed plants), reflecting the latest taxonomic classifications and conservation status according to IUCN Red List criteria.
Lebanon's Botanical Diversity Under Threat
Our comprehensive review identifies 118 threatened phanerogamic species, distributed across several IUCN threat categories: 19 Critically Endangered, 59 Endangered, 24 Vulnerable, 15 Near Threatened, and 1 Data Deficient species, with 6 species possibly extinct. Of particular conservation concern are Lebanon's endemic species, which represent approximately 3.4% of the country's total flora. Many of these endemics are restricted to specific mountain ranges or ecological zones, making them especially vulnerable to habitat degradation and climate change. This compilation reflects current botanical nomenclature, verified against authoritative databases including the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and Euro+Med PlantBase (E+M).
Endemic Species Focus
Of particular conservation concern are Lebanon's endemic species, which represent approximately 3.4% of the country's total flora. Many of these endemics are restricted to specific mountain ranges or ecological zones, making them especially vulnerable to habitat degradation and climate change.
Conservation Implications
This updated list serves as a crucial tool for:
Conservation planning and prioritization
Protected area management
Biodiversity monitoring
Environmental impact assessments
Scientific research coordination
Special thanks to Khaled Taleb from the Akkar Trail organization for his valuable contributions to this assessment.
Future Directions
This list represents an ongoing effort to monitor and protect Lebanon's botanical heritage. Regular updates will incorporate new findings, taxonomic revisions, and conservation status changes as they emerge.
Keywords: Lebanon flora, endangered plants, Lebanese endemic species, plant conservation, Mediterranean biodiversity, IUCN Red List, threatened species, botanical diversity, phanerogams, Lebanese mountains, conservation biology, plant taxonomy, biodiversity hotspot, Middle East flora, endemic flora

Table 1: List of endangered phanerogamic flora of Lebanon
Data from IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) 2024